I don't know if anyone's noticed or cared, but the entire month of June has passed away, and this is my first post of it! June has been a tough month for me, probably the toughest of all months so far. I've been pretty stressed out, irritated, Kite-sick, and crazy emotional. The only thing that's grounded me to reality has been Kite. I said that I'm not perfect, and although he's pretty darn close, I'll admit that Kite isn't perfect either. Neither is our relationship. We have problems, we disagree, I throw bratty fits, and am occasionally unnecessarily mean (notice that I'm the one being a pain in the butt). But I think the key to it all is remembering that we love each other and how much we love each other. No matter what the problem is, I think that's the thing to keep in mind for everyone. As much as Kite and I aren't perfect people, we're perfect for each other; we make it that way.
If you're going through a tough time with your significant other... just remember that you love that person (if you do). Take a moment, breathe, and humble yourself. If you love someone, please treat that person with respect. Don't put them down, don't call them names, and don't make them feel unworthy. No one is perfect - besides God, of course. Don't let something little ruin something great.
“Pride is concerned with who is right. Humility is concerned with what is right.” - President Ezra Taft Benson