Saturday, April 13, 2013

Love story, part 2.

I don't remember the exact moment I fell in love with my Kite, but I remember the exact moment that I knew I would fall in love with him. It was our very first meeting of the new year. We were in the parking lot of a public library, sitting in my car. He had brought me a Christmas gift, even though I had told him not to - I had toyed with the idea of getting him a gift myself, but I was playing it safe, remember? It turned out to be the best Christmas present I had received that Christmas (late or not), and yes, I would have to say it trumps the bunny phone case.

The first thing you must know about me, is that I'm a convert to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. I was baptized almost a year ago on the 20th of May, and I firmly believe that it only happened because two of the best missionaries Heavenly Father had in his care were sent to teach me. Of the two missionaries, one had finished her mission and returned back home to Arizona - guess where my Kite went home for the winter break? I vaguely remember texting him and telling him to look out for her at church on Sunday, so he could say hi to her for me. He had told me that he didn't find her at church and the chances of him running into her were very slim. I was disappointed, but I got over it.

So back in my car, he started off with the, "I know you said not to get you anything, but..." and pulled out his phone, telling me that there was a picture he wanted to show me. I was a bit worried, and confused. What is this guy doing? What kind of present is a picture? Well, the best kind. Turns out he did find my missionary, and he had taken a picture with her. Not only that, but he had brought me a card from her! Remember New Years when I made that phone call? That very same night, he had met up with her and gotten her to write me a card.

Throughout the texting that went on over break, I briefly mentioned that I love hand written letters, because they are so much more heartfelt than an email or message when someone takes the time to write something out. This sneaky boy had officially started to win my heart with the simplest of presents.

From that point on, I knew I was in trouble, but I couldn't stay away. I spent every possible moment with him, making up reasons to spend time together. Studying, breakfast, dinner, FHE, church - we were constantly together, and every day that I spent with him, I could feel myself falling harder and harder.

This is the picture that started us on this road.

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