Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Debt Free in 3...2...1...

For the past few months, I've been placing special focus on finances. At the start of the year I decided to get myself organized and set up separate bank accounts to help me manage my money better, rather than having just one lump sum in an account. I had already decided on having a savings, into which I made regular deposits after deducting my bills, and leaving myself a cushion for emergencies. I tried to be fairly frugal with spending. I was better off than most of my peers as far as money management. When Yain and I started dating seriously, I was so happy to find out that she was pretty great with her finances as well. We shared a lot of ideas on how money should be used and what to do with it when it was in the bank. As we neared marriage, I started to realize how big of a blessing this was. It's said that a huge part of divorces are caused by financial disagreements, right? I don't want anything coming between me and my Nana, especially not money.

We were so serious about the safe-keeping of our money that we actually started talking finances and combining bank accounts on our honeymoon haha. I love that we can be on the such the same wavelength that we can be goofing off and rolling around laughing one minute and have a totally grownup conversation about money the next.

Going into our marriage, we've decided to set up a budgeting plan to get the most out of our money and be ready for whatever comes in the future. The biggest obstacle we've faced so far in our financial freedom is my car. It's not an insurmountable amount of debt, but... It's a brand new, 2013 MINI Cooper Sport with a couple of advanced packages just because I wanted them. Kitsch - That's his name (Yes, my car is a BOY) - is a fast, fun gift of British engineering, and I absolutely love my driving experience. All that flashiness, however, did set me back a bit financially. A debt that would be paid off in time.

I'd been working on paying it off for a few months now, and when we got married, we decided quickly that one of our very first financial goals needed to be this: debt free as soon as possible.

Well folks, after combining our finances and using them wisely, Nana and Kite are pleased to announce that today we mailed the letter containing the check that will pay off our beautiful MINI in full. That's right - as soon as they receive it, we will be completely debt free. Man it feels amazing to say that. Woohoo! I may have done a little happy dance after mailing it. Don't worry though, nobody saw it. At least... Not too many people.

Fitting that the stamp I used to send it simply says "Liberty Forever". Here's to many more years of sweet, sweet Liberty.


  1. Great job you two!!! That car was paid off fast! It will be a huge blessing to you. Remember how it feels and try to stay out of debt as much as you can.

  2. Nice job man! That's awesome!!! Don't forget to commit to each other that you'll never get into debt again! That's an important thing to do, especially when really life kicks in (babies and whatnot).


  3. Thanks guys! We're gonna try to stay out of debt as much as possible. Obviously, a house would be hard with no debt, but we'll make everything work out.
