Friday, August 16, 2013

Let's talk about sex.

I don't get it. I really don't. Why is it that the media gets bashed for flaunting skinny girls all over the cover of magazines, and labeling them as the perfect example of what women should look like, but sex is totally fine? Is it because being skinny puts down the self esteem of about 99% of the female population? Because I'm here to say that careless sex can do the same thing. What? You think that because someone has a sex life, that they're totally fine emotionally? Just go get laid! You'll feel better. Come on, ladies. Admit it, whether you want to or not. Sex MEANS something to you (I'm sure it means something to guys too, they're just less likely to admit it), one night stands are NOT okay. Get physical, and get attached. Careless sex is so damaging emotionally. Why are so many people letting it sell? Why is it okay?

Let it be known that I was a virgin until my husband and I got married. I was a virgin, and I was proud of it. I've always planned to be a virgin until I got married - even before I became a convert to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Why? Because I would hate to let someone else have a part of me that I could NEVER get back, if things didn't work out.

Sex is great, I get it. It makes you feel wonderful, and sexy and wanted, and wonderful. It's the "cool" thing to do. What? You're a senior and still a virgin? Loser! I'm here to tell you that the media is wrong. Your peers are wrong. YOU are wrong, if you think having sex is just a hobby or something to do to get that feeling of exhilaration.

I'm not trying to give one of those holier-than-thou-it's-totally-against-the-ten-commandments type of talks. This is me speaking out as someone who believes in love, not just for myself, but for EVERYONE out there. If you're not a virgin, that's cool. If you like to have sex with a whole bunch of people, good for you. I'm not judging, it's not my place. Well - let's be honest, maybe I am a little. That's just a little gross, do you even know who your partner has been with? Anyway, what I DO want to get across with this post is this:

If I had sex with my husband and we broke up, there would be nothing left of me. Yes, I'm that emotionally pathetic, I'm not afraid to admit it. No, I won't buck up and be a woman of strong character. I will not hide away my feelings and pretend that I'm not hurt and dying inside while trying to cover it all up by having more sex with other people. I won't hide who I am (actually, I just might, with a little bit of alcohol), but others might. Trying to cover up their unhappiness and scars by delving deeper into self deprecation and building up walls around themselves.

Yes, sex is great. But it's so much more than that. It's something special. I know how corny I sound right now, but trust me on this. It means so much more than a one night stand. It's so much more than an experiment. It's so much more than a high that you get. It's you connecting with someone else, and showing your love for each other. It's about letting someone in and trusting them in your most vulnerable state. It's showing someone a part of you that not everyone gets to see. It's a way to show someone that you love them.

So please. I am begging all of you. Don't let the media win. Don't let careless sex sell. Don't let the teens out there think it's okay. Don't let yourself think it's okay. It's NOT.

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