Monday, August 19, 2013

Twelve days until eternity.

This morning, my Kite called me during church to tell me that the entire morning, he had been feeling weird. That he missed me, and not just in an "I miss you" sort of way. He really missed me. He missed me in a way that was more like he needed me. He needed me to be with him when he woke up in the mornings, and to be by his side.

It was really out of character for him. Not to say that he's not loving towards me or anything, but I'm usually the one that's an emotional wreck. When I see other couples together being cutesy and loving with each other, I have to focus my attention on something else, because it makes my heart ache. I honestly can't even fathom what it would be like to not have to catch a plane on Monday when the weekend is over. To not have to say goodbye. To sleep in and have lazy weekends, because we're not in a rush to do as much as we can together in the little time that we have. Sometimes, I think that it really sucks to be apart from my husband in our very first year of marriage. That it's not fair.

Then I remember how very blessed I am. How I found the love of my life at 21, and got happily married. How I've been receiving so much support and love from such wonderful friends and family. How even though we had a civil marriage, we're able to be sealed in the temple for eternity without waiting an entire year. How my orders got changed to Hawaii two hours before my plane took off. How if my orders didn't change, I'd have to reenlist for another three years just to be stationed in Hawaii (it's a three year commitment to be stationed in Hawaii) with my husband. How one year apart is so much better than two and a half with a reenlistment or three and a half years without. How it honestly could not have happened any other way, and even though it sucks, it's the very best hand we could have ever been dealt.

When I look back on everything... on how things happened and the way things played out, I know without a doubt that Rusty and I have been following the road that Heavenly Father had laid out for us. It's been so very hard to be apart from each other, but with every little miracle, I feel like Heavenly Father is whispering in my ear, "Keep going, you're on the right path."

1 comment:

  1. You guys are so cute. So happy for you to be sealed! And to be together soon! :)
